Friday, May 18, 2012

More About a Quote

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat . . . We must find each other.” Mother Teresa
            Our foster son, who has been with us four years, is still exhibiting reactive attachment behaviors due to his abusive and very unstable environment of relationships. Before entering the social welfare system at age 6, he often wandered the streets, foraging for food. He has been able to overcome this trauma. However, maltreatment and lack of love in his early childhood may be insurmountable feelings to heal. When he joined the ranks of foster children, our son was placed in foster families that had not received specific trainings in the handling of traumatized children. Our son bounced from one family to another until his “luck” turned out and he was placed in an intensive treatment foster care agency which specialized in turning around extreme behaviors. Not unlike the story in the movie “Nikita” where Nikita is saved from death by someone who believed in her potential and by showing her love to her, in turn allowing her to fall in love with a “normal” man, and find the unearthly strength to come back to life; this agency saves children from doom. Love prevails!

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