Saturday, June 29, 2013

Professionals Goals and Hopes


One of my hopes is to welcome children and families from all diverse backgrounds in a way that feels comfortable and true to them. In that light, I need to trust that my vision for a 21st century school guides my passion, showing in the family reception, and marks the start of a productive and warm relationship for the benefit of the child.
I hope that parents and educators teamwork strive to offer children the most successful school experience and a future that will have also be shaped by children with a voice.
In order to promote social justice and equity, schools must be accessible to all children from birth. With a universal school system, children from underprivileged families can be exposed to literature and receive similar intellectual and physical stimulation than their affluent peers whose parents give them access to books, music, movies, social  and physical activities.  
                                 SOCIAL CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SCHOOL  

To my wonderful colleagues Briana, Deanna, Janet, Mahitab, Michelle, and Pearlyn,

Thanks to you, my sense of collegiality has strengthened! Now, I feel empowered by the support you provided me throughout these eight weeks and by the incredible insights you shared on early childhood education. Your love and advocacy for our young population make me hopeful that from our joint efforts a more just tomorrow for children is possible. Week 6 was introduced with a quote by Robert Kennedy:

Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.—Robert F. Kennedy, U.S. Senator and Attorney General (1968).

I hope we stay in touch via our blogs or personal email addresses. Here is my email address:                                      

We are too involved in our master’s program at this point but when we graduate, I hope we can continue and develop our relationships for children’s benefit, our own, and again children’s benefit.

Good luck on your next class!




1 comment:

  1. It is ideal when we educators put the children and their families first. We must be first in learning about diversity, equity, and social justice before we can teach our children.
