Saturday, April 26, 2014


Dear Dr. Teri,
Please, accept the following Voki as a sign of my gratitude to you:

Dear Colleagues,
Your posts have moved and inspired me. No doubt that I will reach out to you for help in the very near future! Now is the point of no return, the big dive into making our projects a dream come true. Whether you live in the United States or abroad, today's means of communication support our needs for collaboration and friendship. On my part, I know that I will need your sincere feedback every step of the way. Working with you allowed trust to prevail between us. I feel blessed to have you in my close community of practice and adjourning means starting on a new trail knowing that my friends are not only holding me in their thoughts but are ready to come to my rescue if I called them. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU and talk to you soon.

Here is my email address:

and my cell phone number (I would love to speak with you in person):
415 - 307 4827415 - 307 4827


Three heartfelt learnings from this program:
1.      Use research-based education strategies
2.      Base everything on research and provide the source of the information mentioned to ensure more chance to sway minds
3.      Have regular meetings with peers; treat staff as partners, collaborators
4.      Closely work with children and their families, know their needs, aspirations
5.      Continue working with Walden’s focus on international relationships
6.      Stay connected with the community of practice nurtured at Walden University.
I have thoroughly enjoyed discovering what the EC field is doing in Australia and in South American countries.

One long-term goal
Although this one long-term goal encompasses the above listed goals since no one goal is more prevalent than the other, my one long-term goal remains to:
·         Be an agent of social change.
In this light, I need to stay connected with my Walden community, continue to nurture and grow those relationships for children’s benefits.  

A few more words from my friends:
 "Remembering is easy who has a good memory. Forgetting is difficult for who has a heart"

Gabriel García Márquez

Don't forget to "look up"
The unforgettable and most inspiring:

Much love and see you around!

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